Sr No | Details | Hrs |
01 | Structured Programming using C++ 1.1.C++ as a superset of C programming language 1.2.C++ Fundamentals: Character set, Identifiers and keywords, Data Types, Constants, and Variables Declarations, Operators & Expressions, Library functions, statements, Symbolic Constants, Preprocessor directives | 05 |
02 |
Getch(), putchar(), scan(), printf(), gets(), puts(), cin, cout, setw, endl etc. 2.2 Control Statements: if-else, while, do-while, go to, for statements, nested control structures, switch, break, continue statements, comma operator | 06 |
03 | 3.1. Functions: Functions prototypes, passing arguments to a function by value and by reference, recursion, over loading functions, storage classes 3.2. Arrays: Defining- processing array, passing arrays to function, Introduction to Multidimensional arrays, Arrays and strings | 08 |
04 | 4.1.Pointers Declarations, Referencing and de- referencing, passing pointers to functions, pointer to functions, pointer to arrays. Creation and manipulation of linked list 4.2.Structures and Unions: Defining and processing a structure | 07 |
05 | 5.1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in C++ Classes, Objects, data encapsulation, access specifies: private, public and protected, inheritance in details, operator overloading of Unary and Binary arithmetic operators, virtual functions, pure virtual functions. | 08 |
06 | 6.1 late binding, friend functions, object as function parameter, overriding functions and over loaded constructors, copy constructor, static class members. | 06 |
Term work:
Each student is to appear for at least one written test (preferably on-line) during the term. Term work shall consist of graded answer paper of the test and at least five assignments as follows:
1) Five programs developed under control structures using C++.
2) Ten program under arrays, functions and structures using C++.
3) Ten debugged program listing demonstrating Object oriented constructs and concepts.
Programs should be debugged (hand written & computer print -out) and should have suitable comments.
Recommended compilers turbo C++/Borland C++ or visual C++
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows,
Laboratory work (Experiments/Programme and Journal) : 10 marks.
Test (at least one) : 10 marks.
Attendance (Practical and Theory) : 05 marks.
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Recommended Books:
- • Programming in C++, Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill
- • Programming in C++, schuam out line series
- • Let us C, Yashwant kanetkar, BPB publications
- • Practical C++, programming 0' Reilly
- • Algorithms with C++, 0' Reilly