The M. Sc. Part I syllabus consists of 4 theory papers and 4 practicals. The theory papers consist of the following heads of 80 lectures each:
- Paper I: Chemistry of Biomolecules
- Paper II: Microbiology and Immunology
- Paper III: Molecular Biology and Genetic engineering
- Paper IV: Biophysics and Advanced Analytical Techniques
The examination will be for 4 theory papers each of 75 marks and 3 hr duration, and 4 practicals of 5 hrs duration of 50 marks each.
The M. Sc. Part II syllabus consists of 4 theory papers and 2 practicals. The theory papers consist of the following heads of 90 lectures and 75 marks each of 3 hrs duration:
- Paper V: Computational Biotechnology
- Paper VI: Plant and Animal Biotechnology
- Paper VII: Environmental Biotechnology
- Paper VIII: Social and commercial aspects of Biotechnology
Practicals of 50 marks each of 5 hr duration:
Practical V: Biostatistics, Computer application and Bioinformatics
Practical VI: Tissue culture, Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology
In addition, each student shall perform a project carrying 100 marks. The project will be evaluated on the basis of the project dissertation and presentation.